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What is Alpha Theta neurofeedback and how can it help with processing trauma?

Alpha and theta are two different frequencies of brainwaves, and alpha theta neurofeedback gently encourages the brain to float into deeply relaxed states of mind where the brain is generating mostly alpha and theta brainwave frequencies. When in this state, the brain has the ability to process and resolve issues related to trauma.

Our brains are constantly producing a range of different brainwave frequencies, but in certain states a certain type of brainwave can be more predominant. For example when you are awake and alert, a fast frequency brainwave called beta is predominantly. In deep sleep a low frequency brainwave called delta is more obvious. When you are sitting calm and relaxed with your eyes closed, this is when alpha frequencies rise, and theta is the brainwave associated with dreaming and daydreaming.

The state of mind that we are aiming to generate with alpha-theta neurofeedback is similar to the twilight state that you might be familiar with passing through briefly as you just start peacefully drifting off to sleep at night. You lie down in bed, close your eyes, and relax. As your conscious mind slowly lets go of its control of the brain, you may start to drift, your mind wandering, starting to enter a dreamlike state, just before fully losing consciousness and going to sleep. This ‘twilight zone’ provides a special window of opportunity when the mind can process what it needs to process, letting go of what it needs to let go of, and allow the natural creativity and power of the human brain to reorganise anything that might be stuck or disorganised in your nervous system. So with alpha theta training we aim to guide the brain to stay within this twilight zone for certain period of time (normally 20-40 minutes, depending on the agreed session length).

During an alpha theta session, you will normally be relaxed back in a comfy chair. You will be offered headphones and an eye mask, so you can relax and focus your attention on your experiences without distractions. It’s important that your body is comfortable, so feel free to ask for a blanket or cushions if it helps you. The neurofeedback sounds will play through the headphones. When your brain is producing more alpha brainwaves, you will hear a soft bell sound, and when your brain is producing more theta brainwaves, you will hear a lower gong sound. You will also be aware of background noises of a river and the sea, which also reflect the balance of the alpha and theta brainwaves. We may also play quiet binaural beats. There is no need for you to try and consciously change your brainwaves or the sounds – you can trust that your brain knows what to do. The alpha-theta ‘twilight’ state is a natural state for the brain to rest in, we just have to allow the brain to do so. The neurofeedback is not forcing the brain to do anything, but rather just gently guiding the brain to rest in this natural deeply relaxed state.

What happens in the brain in this deeply relaxed state? Just like in a dream where the normal rules of physics, logic and time do not exist, in the alpha-theta state, possibilities that seemed to be out of reach can be accessed. Patterns of thought that seemed stuck in a loop can start to flow again. Situations or triggers that have been tightly tangled up with feelings of fear, shame and powerlessness can become untangled and free of these negative emotions. Feelings in your body that were frozen can be felt safely, without you feeling overwhelmed. Habits and compulsions can release their control over your mind. Memories that had been locked away deep down for fear of causing unbearable pain can be allowed to bubble up in a safe and controlled way, with the nervous system in a relaxed state, so they can be processed, understood, and stored away in the library of the past, allowing you to live fully in the present.

Of course not all of this magic will happen all at once. Indeed sometimes the only thing that people feel from an alpha theta session is a deep sense of relaxation. But other experiences can include dream-like experiences, perhaps seeing scenes or places that hold a symbolism or deeper meaning for you. You may see yourself in your mind’s eye meeting people that are important to you, or a spiritual guide. You may be aware of pleasant feelings or sensations in your body, or a sense of something that was stuck starting to release and flow. Some people may find memories surfacing, perhaps memories from a long time ago, perhaps memories related to past trauma - but in this relaxed state, you should experience these without the distress that would otherwise accompany them. You may feel like you gain a new insight or understanding, as your brain shows you what it wants to process. It is the brain that guides this process, because your brain wants to heal. All we need to do is create the opportunity for it to do so.

“Trauma is not what happened to you, trauma is what happened inside you…trauma is the wound inside you….that can heal at any time.” Gabor Mate, author and speaker on the subject of trauma, ADHD and addiction

Alpha-theta neurofeedback can be profoundly helpful in the resolution of past trauma, and releasing learned fears and unhelpful habits. However, it is important that your nervous system is ready for this type of neurofeedback. If the mere idea of lying down with a eye mask on and allowing your conscious mind to let go for half an hour feels distressing to you at this point, then we can work with ILF neurofeedback first to calm your nervous system down, so you can reach a point where you can benefit from alpha theta training. Other people will rapidly fall asleep during alpha theta training and their brains are not yet able to maintain that twilight state between awake and asleep. Again we can train the brain with ILF neurofeedback to help it be able to maintain states of mind with the right balance of alertness and relaxation. Alpha theta training is a technique that is most beneficial when it is introduced at the correct point in a client’s neurofeedback journey.


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